Tuesday 4 October 2016



This is a summary of the story:

Prince Llewellyn 's wife died when their son was born. He loved his son very much and always protected him.
  The prince had a loyal dog called Gelert who always travelled with him. He trusted his dog very much and the dog looked after the baby. One day Llewellyn went hunting and left the dog to protect his son. The baby was sleeping and the dog lay down on the floor next to the cradle. Suddenly Gelert heard a noise. It was a hungry wolf who wanted to eat the baby. There was a fight and both animals were hurt but finally Gelert killed the wolf. Gelert fell asleep next to the still sleeping baby.
  When the prince returned he was horrified. There was blood everywhere and on the baby 's face. 

What happened then? Read and know the end of this well-know and moving story which about the loyalty.

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