Tuesday 18 October 2016

A royals secret

Because i didn´t like the story´s ending i´ve decided to make my own ending (it starts at page 90).

He made a new harp using wood from the willow tree.
On the day of the banquet the musician played the harp when suddenly the noticed that the harp was whispering.
"can yu hear that" said a person that was there "the harp is saying something".
The whisper became more and more clear until everybody knew what it was saying "the king has horse ears" stared to laugh loudly.
The king was so furius that he threw every person that was on the banquet into prison.
He became a bad person and his people started to starve.
Eventualy he was removed from the trown.

Thursday 13 October 2016

The King Of The Wizards

Unfortunately, i don't like the real ending. So I decided to change it for a more exciting one.
This is an alternative ending of the story:

... Hamish arrives at the tover. There were three big wodden doors, and next to him a sing wiht a message: "Just one of these doors will take you to the real entry. The others will lead you to a terrible trap."
He was about to open the second door, when he heard a whistle. He looked behind him an saw something in the bush. There was an old man, making hand signals to him.
- I can't understand what you are saying, sir !. -
The old man came closer to him and told him. - The three door are traps. The real entry is behind the tower. -

Hamish was very surprised, but he didn't know if he could trust that man. Anyway, he went behind the building and saw a little green strapdoor on the floor. The old man was right, and he walked trhough the large hallway until he found a very big ladder. He wen up the ladder and discovered what the King Of Wizards was doing with his son.

Calum was tied up inside a big glass jar. The King was stealing his magic *. The plan was to take if from him so the King could have a grater power. 
Hamish was afraid of not being able to sabe him. Sohe had an idea. I he fistracted, the King, he could break the big jar and take Calum out. He trew some rocks to a pile of boxes, and they fell making a big noise, and distracting the King.
He ran very fast. Took one of the chairs and threw it against the jar. That broke in a million pieces the jar.

And they could came back to their house. Safe and sound.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

The legend of the unicorn

The legend of the unicorn
This is an English story.
This story tells us how Rhiannon had to look for truffles for the king because he had taken her parents to the castle.
One afternoon she was walking around the forest looking for truffles and saw a little white horse with a small lump. It was a unicorn! The unicorn helped her to find the truffles because he recognized where they were by their smell. When Rhiannon got out of the forest with the basket full of truffles some men asked her “How did you find the truffles?” and she answered “My little white horse friend helped me”. The next afternoon they saw and tried to catch him, because they wanted to pay less tax to Sir Brangwyn, but they couldn’t. 
Sir Brangwyn heard about the white horse and sent his knights to look for him but it was impossible to find him. Sir Brangwyn was so angry and hungry because he wanted those truffles so much that he decided to catch the little horse on his own. He used Rhiannon to distract the unicorn with her songs, but she was not able to sing because she felt horrible. When the unicorn appeared, Sir Brangwyn jumped from the bushes and ran to capture the unicorn but suddenly his parents appeared and killed him with their lumps.
Now that Sir Brangwyn is dead, his son is the king of the village. He is a very kind man and refuses to accept the taxes, so everybody lived happily forever.

I would recommend you this story if you like suspense.



This is a summary of the story:

Prince Llewellyn 's wife died when their son was born. He loved his son very much and always protected him.
  The prince had a loyal dog called Gelert who always travelled with him. He trusted his dog very much and the dog looked after the baby. One day Llewellyn went hunting and left the dog to protect his son. The baby was sleeping and the dog lay down on the floor next to the cradle. Suddenly Gelert heard a noise. It was a hungry wolf who wanted to eat the baby. There was a fight and both animals were hurt but finally Gelert killed the wolf. Gelert fell asleep next to the still sleeping baby.
  When the prince returned he was horrified. There was blood everywhere and on the baby 's face. 

What happened then? Read and know the end of this well-know and moving story which about the loyalty.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Union Flag

The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. 
It is the British flag.

It is called the Union Flag because it symbolises the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom. It is made up up of the individual Flags of three of the Kingdom's countries all united under one Sovereign - the countries of 'England, of 'Scotland' and of 'Northern Ireland' (since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom). As Wales was not a Kingdom but a Principality it could not be included on the flag.

Introduction : The British Isles

Britain, sometimes called Great Britain, is the name for the big island on the right and most of the small islands near it. It includes Scotland, Wales and England. The island on the left is Ireland: about 80% is the Republic of Ireland and about 20% is Northern Ireland.
The two islands of Britain and Ireland, and all the smaller islands near them are often called the British Isles (‘isle’ means ‘island’). 
At the time of the legends in this book (about 450 to 1000) the United Kingdom didn’t exist. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland were geographical areas, but most of the time there wasn’t one single king in each country. 

The Book: Legends From The British Isles

Legends from the British Isles, has four different legends, one from England, another from Scotland, another from Wales and the last one from Ireland.

In Buenos Aires ,Argentina you can buy it here: 
Or here , if you live in another country: 